Friday, December 6, 2013

Our First Christmas Since It Happened

My father-in-law passed away in June. He was the first of our four parents to die. My wife and I have now entered a dark place we've never known before, joined a Great Sad Tribe of friends whose parents are gone.

I usually start playing Christmas music as soon as the World Series is over. Early, I know, for some, but it's such rich, beautiful music I always want to enjoy it sooner rather than later. 

But this year I wondered if I would enjoy Christmas music. I knew that this first Christmas since Nanette's dad passed away would be bittersweet. We miss him terribly. The pain never really goes away. Would the music just be too sad?

I was surprised. I actually am enjoying the music more this year. Somehow the lyrics -- which I've always loved, not just the familiar tunes -- the lyrics are richer and more wonderful than ever:

"No more let sin and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground..."

"Repeat the sounding joy..."

And the lyric that resounds more beautifully than ever: "tidings of comfort and joy"

I've always believed that the long, sad history of the world turned a corner in the birth of Jesus. I still believe it, but now it's more personal. And I'm so very glad.

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